Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas User Guide
Click here to return to the Atlas: http://bellatlas.umn.edu
Request a user account by sending an email to museum-atlas@umn.edu
The database may be unavailable on the first Wednesday each month during routine maintenance. Chrome is the preferred internet browser for best Atlas functionality. If images do not load, try clearing your cache. Questions or problems, please contact our team at museum-atlas@umn.edu
Click on
Select collections
of interest by checking boxes By default all are
checked: bellbirds, bellbryophytes,
bellfishes, bellfungi, bellherps, belllichens, bellmammals, bellmollusks, bellplants. 3.
Click the NEXT
button on the right side of the page to bring up the Search Criteria page 4.
Limit search
results through taxon (wait for drop-down list), locality, coordinates,
collector information, images only and/or types only. 5.
Click the SEARCH
button on the right side of the page. 6.
Only some
information is displayed; click FULL RECORD DETAILS on a record to view all
information for that record. [This will pop up a new window]. 7.
See DOWNLOAD DATA to download information. II.
SEARCH BY MAP: 1. Click the Map tab: This will open up a map interface in a
new browser tab. Move around on the map by dragging and using the + and –
symbols to zoom in or out. 2. You can use the square or circle tools to draw a shape
encompassing your area of interest or click the Open tab and enter the name of a place 3. Click the Open tab at the top left corner to enter search
parameters. 4. By default the search will limit your results to 5000;
you can change this if desired. Higher numbers could slow loading time
substantially. 5. See Search by Collection for guidelines on
criteria 6. De/select collections from the COLLECTIONS tab. 7. Edit map clustering in the MAP OPTIONS tab. 8. Color code results from separate collections or taxa;
COLLECTIONS or TAXA LIST respectively 9. View record list from RECORDS tab or click individual
dots on map. 10. To download, click Download CSV button or Download KML
file button. See DOWNLOAD DATA for details. III.
IMAGES: Browse Images 1.
Click the IMAGES
tab. 2.
Filter images by:
taxon, collection, country, state, photographer and/or tag. a.
To search for a
tagged image, type in or select 'Tags' in the search bar and choose a tag from
the list presented. For example 'Tags:pollen' 3.
To download images
run search through collections tab and see below under download multiple images. Viewing Large Image or image in new window/tab 1. From collections search: after clicking FULL RECORD
DETAILS click the View Large Image link BELOW the thumbnail. Download multiple Atlas images 1.
Search the Atlas
for the records of interest 2.
Download specimen
data in Symbiota format 3.
Open the Darwin
Core archive and images.csv file 4.
Save a .txt file
containing only the column "goodQualityAccessURI"
(URLs of the high-resolution images) 5.
Create a new
folder, copy the .txt file the folder 6.
Launch UNIX 7.
Navigate to the
folder 8.
Execute the
following UNIX command where URLs.txt is the name your file: wget --no-check-certificate -i
URLs.txt IV.
DOWNLOAD DATA: From collections search or map search 1.
SEARCH: On the search results page click the button on the top right above the
page and record numbers. [Looks like a yellow square with two excel-style
tables and a red triangle]See 3. 2.
Open/Records, click Download CSV button. See 3. 3.
**Data usage
guidelines are listed at the top: by downloading you confirm that you have read
and agree to the general data usage terms (link to these). Additional terms may
apply to individual collections 4.
Choose either to
retain a symbiota native structure or to convert to a
Darwin core structure. The differences between the two can be viewed through
the [i buttons]. The structure chosen will determine
which fields will be present in the download and which headers they will be
labelled under. 5.
Under Data
Extensions, you can choose to in/disclude
determination history and image records in your download by checking or
unchecking the respective boxes. If you choose to download the image records,
you must later choose a compressed ZIP file under the compression step. 6.
File Format: Choose either to download your data as a comma delimited
or tab delimited file by clicking the appropriate radio button. 7.
Character Set: Choose to download your data with an ISO-8859-1(western)
or a UTF-8(Unicode) character set. a.
Some data may not
transfer perfectly depending on which you choose. b.
E.g. degree
symbols may be converted to other characters like the angstrom. By default,
UTF-8 is chosen. 8.
Compression: If
the record set you wish to download is particularly large and/or if you chose
to include image records in an earlier step, it is recommended to download your
data to a compressed zip file. Check or uncheck the box to respectively choose
to or choose not to do this. 9.
Click Download
Data. Q:
How can I contribute to the biodiversity atlas? A:
We have a crowd-sourcing project through Zooniverse: https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/mapping-change You can
help us transcribe labels of specimens which will allow us to have digitally
usable data for searches, including the map search. Check it out! Q:
The common name I'm looking for isn't in dropdown list - what do I do? A:
The list isn't an exhaustive list of all common names for every name. It's a
work in progress and more names will be added here and there. You
also need to be specific. E.g. 'maple' will not yield results, 'Norway maple'
will. You
can also grab the scientific name of interest from the web (e.g. Wikipedia) and
search through that: 'Scientific Name: Acer' (from the drop-down list) will
show all maples!
Click here to return to the Atlas: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):